Pricing & Rates Card

Pricing Tiers

PlanFree TrialProfessionalInner Circle
Price$0 for 14 daysFrom $250 /monthLet's Talk
All GoldRush Endpoints
Higher rate limits-
Dedicated account management--
Requests per second limit4 RPS50 RPSCustom
Included credits25K300KCustom
Flex credit price-$0.00077 /creditCustom

Free Trial

Free trial accounts on the GoldRush API Free tier will be allocated 25,000 free credits, to be consumed within 14 days. Credits on the free tier are spent across all endpoints and networks (including testnets). Once this free allocation is consumed, or 14 days have elapsed, calls to the API from that account will be paused.

The Free trial is meant for trying the Covalent API, to better understand how our endpoints work and how they may be integrated into your project.

Key Features

  • 4 RPS

  • 25,000 credits to be consumed within 14 days, spent across all endpoints and networks (including testnets)

Professional Tier

The Professional tier is available for users who want to scale with us and require better performance and more API call volume for their applications. Access all of our endpoints with better reliability and faster response times.

Key Features

  • 50 RPS

  • 300,000 credits per month, spent across all endpoints and networks (including testnets)

  • Auto-scaling Flex Credits allow your app to consume credits past the included 300,000 credits

  • 10x faster average response time

  • 50% decrease in response time variance

Flex Credits

GoldRush uses a credit system to calculate billing for customers in the Professional tier. With a Professional tier account ($250/mo without auto-scale), users are entitled to 300,000 credits to consume with no additional charges. For users that need more credits, they can enable auto-scale.


Setting auto-scale to On enables the use of Flex Credits on your upgraded keys. These credits go into effect once you surpass the 300,000 credits included in the Professional tier. All Flex Credits are charged at $0.00077 per credit. You can set a cap for the amount of Flex Credits you would like to enable per billing period (monthly). You will only be charged for what you use, and you won't be able to be charged beyond your cap.

No Auto-scale

Setting auto-scale to Off means you can't consume beyond the included 300,000 credits in the Professional tier. You can switch auto-scale to On and consume Flex Credits at $0.00077 per credit for more credits. To configure auto-scale: log in to your account and go to the Account Billing page.

Rates Card

See our API Catalog for a full list of endpoints and their respective credit costs.

Credit Pricing Example

Wallet example

Consider a wallet application that supports three blockchains:

  1. Ethereum (7,000 daily active users)

  2. Polygon (3,000 daily active users)

  3. Optimism (1,000 daily active users)

The application uses the balances_v2 endpoint to serve data to its users, and each call to the balances endpoint consumes 1 credit.

The total credit consumption per day is:

+ 3,000
+ 1,000 
= 11,000 credits /day.

In one month, the total credit consumption for the application is:

x 30 days 
= 330,000 credits /month.

The Professional Plan includes 300,000 credits, so the total flex consumption is:

- 300,000
= 30,000 flex credits
= $23 @ $0.00077 /credit.

The total cost for the application to run each month is $230 for the credit usage plus $50 for the Professional Plan:

+ $50
= $280 /month.

Transaction example

Consider an app that requests transactions at the latest block height on the Ethereum blockchain, for 1000 daily active users (dau). The application uses the transactions_v3 endpoint, which consumes 0.1 credits per returned transaction item. The default page size is 100 transaction items, which makes the credit cost 1 credits per API call. In one month, the total credit consumption is:

  1,000 dau
x 0.1 credits /transaction item
x 100 returned items
x 30 days
= 30,000 credits /month.

If you set the no-logs query parameter, the credit cost per transaction item returned is reduced by 0.05, reducing the total credit consumption by half.

  1,000 dau
x 0.05 credits /transaction item
x 100 returned items
x 30 days
= 15,000 credits /month.