Can there be a world where you can express your desired outcome on the blockchain, and the system automatically executes the necessary steps to achieve it? With intent-based systems, this world is not just a promise but a reality.

Instead of meticulously crafting complex steps for every action, users can simply articulate their intentions, and the blockchain handles the intricate details. This shift empowers users with unprecedented control and flexibility, allowing them to focus on their goals rather than the technical complexities of execution.

Intent-based systems revolutionize how users and developers interact with the blockchain, empowering them in previously unimaginable ways. At its core, it shifts the focus from explicit instructions to the underlying intentions behind transactions. This paradigm shift unlocks many possibilities, particularly in smart contracts and decentralized applications (dApps).

This guide explores the critical components of intent-based systems, how they work, how they could revolutionize user interactions, and their numerous benefits. We also examine real-world applications, use cases, and challenges of this transformative technology.

Introduction to Intent-Based Systems

Imagine you’re planning a trip. You know your destination, but you don’t want to worry about the nitty-gritty details like booking flights, finding hotels, or arranging transportation. You just want to say, “I want to visit Paris and have a great time,” and let someone else handle the rest. This is the essence of intent-based systems.

Intent-based systems focus on the “what” rather than the “how.” You simply express your intent—what you want to achieve—and the system takes care of the execution. It’s like having a personal assistant who understands your goals and handles your details.

Intent-Based Vs. Traditional Blockchain Systems

Understanding how intent-based systems differ from traditional blockchain technology is essential to fully appreciating its advantages.

Traditional Blockchain Architecture

These require users to input detailed transaction instructions for every step. For example, suppose you want to transfer ETH or SOL. In that case, you must specify the recipient's address, the amount to be transferred, which blockchain to use, and potentially additional parameters such as gas fees.

This process can be cumbersome and error-prone, especially for complex transactions involving multiple steps or interactions with smart contracts.

Intent-Based Architecture

In contrast, intent-based systems abstract much of the complexity of traditional blockchain transactions. Instead of specifying every detail, users simply express their desired outcomes, and the system handles the rest.

Comparative Analysis

FeatureTraditional Blockchain SystemIntent-Based System
User InteractionUsers need to input every detail of the transactionUsers just state what they want to achieve
ComplexityHigh, especially for complex transactionsSimplified and abstracted for the user
Error RiskHigher due to manual inputLower due to automation
Execution SpeedIt can be slow for complex transactionsOptimized for efficiency
AccessibilityRequires technical knowledgeMore accessible to non-technical users

Fundamentals of Intent-Based Systems

Core Principles

The core principles of Intent-based systems highlight how they aim to streamline and secure user interactions within decentralized networks. These principles are:

  1. User-Centric Design: This principle ensures that the system is accessible to all users, regardless of their technical knowledge. By allowing users to input their goals in simple language, the blockchain interprets and executes these intents, significantly lowering the entry barrier to blockchain usage.

  2. Automation and Smart Contract Integration: The backbone of these systems is automation, driven by smart contracts that execute transactions autonomously once set conditions are met. This seamless automation extends across various blockchain operations, enhancing efficiency and accuracy.

  3. Simplification of Complex Processes: Intent-based systems abstract the complexities of underlying blockchain mechanisms, offering a straightforward user interface. This approach allows users to engage with the blockchain without understanding its intricate workings.

  4. Security and Decentralization: Intent-based systems uphold robust security and decentralization, which enhances system integrity and user trust. Despite their simplified interfaces, these systems leverage advanced cryptographic methods (more in subsequent sections) to protect transactions and data securely. Their decentralized architecture through “pool of Solversl” ensures that control is distributed across multiple entities, preventing any single point of failure or control, thus maintaining transparency and reducing manipulation risks.

  5. Interoperability: These systems are designed for high interoperability, facilitating smooth interactions across diverse blockchain networks. This adaptability makes intent-based systems versatile tools in a multi-platform cryptocurrency environment.

Technical Architecture

The technical architecture of intent-based systems is designed to streamline user interactions by focusing on the desired outcomes rather than the specific steps needed. This architecture consists of several interconnected components that work together to make blockchain transactions more intuitive and efficient.

Intent-based architecture. Source: rishotics for ethresearch

Intent Layer

At the core of this architecture is the intent layer, where users express their desired outcomes through high-level declarations known as intents. These intents can range from simple transactions, like transferring tokens or performing a swap, to more complex actions, like yield farming or executing a series of trades across multiple platforms.

Users articulate their goals using a domain-specific language (DSL) tailored for intent-based interactions. This language abstracts the complexities of blockchain operations, allowing users to describe their objectives in plain terms.

Intent Matching and Fulfillment

A key feature of intent-based systems is their ability to match and fulfill intents efficiently. This process involves several steps:

  • Intent Pooling: Intents are pooled together and decentralized. This pooling enables the network to identify overlapping or complementary intents, optimizing resource use and transaction efficiency.

  • Matching Algorithms: Advanced matching algorithms scan the intent pool to find pairs or groups of intents that can be fulfilled simultaneously, reducing the number of required transactions and minimizing network congestion.

Solver Network

The solver network is a dynamic system that interprets and fulfills user intents. It is a decentralized network of “Solvers” that competes to fulfill the user’s intent. Solvers can use any method or network to achieve the desired outcome. The essential components include:

  • Task Allocation: The network identifies the best solver for a given intent by evaluating factors like cost-efficiency, speed, and reliability relative to the current blockchain conditions.

  • Execution And Coordination: Solvers perform the necessary actions to coordinate and fulfill the intent, such as executing smart contracts or interacting with decentralized applications (DApps). Coordination includes managing dependencies, sequencing operations, and handling potential conflicts.

Proposed intent (Mempool - solver) Design. Source: sk1122 for EthResearch

Cross-Chain Interoperability

Intent-based blockchains must be able to operate seamlessly across multiple blockchain networks, enhancing their flexibility and capability. The components used include:

  • Interoperability Protocols: These protocols enable the exchange of data and assets between blockchains, ensuring that intents involving cross-chain interactions are executed smoothly.

  • Bridges and Relayers: Specialized components like bridges and relayers facilitate communication and transaction execution across chains. They ensure data integrity and transaction finality, even when dealing with disparate blockchain ecosystems.

Benefits of Using Intent-Based Architectures

Intent-based architectures offer numerous benefits by focusing on user intent, streamlining processes, and enhancing overall efficiency and user experience. One of the primary advantages is the simplified user experience. Users can achieve their desired outcomes with minimal effort and without needing to understand the intricacies of blockchain technology, making it more accessible.

Another significant benefit is the reduction of errors. By automating the execution process, intent-based systems minimize the risk of errors that can occur with manual transaction inputs, ensuring accuracy and consistency.

Increased efficiency is also a key advantage. These architectures can execute complex transactions more quickly and efficiently than traditional methods, optimizing the process internally for faster transaction times and a more responsive system.

Focusing on user intents reduces the risk of fraud and enhances data privacy. By abstracting transaction complexity and better safeguarding sensitive information, the system can implement robust security measures.

Furthermore, intent-based systems contribute to efficiency and cost reduction. They streamline transactions and cut costs by using solvers to analyze and optimize execution based on factors like fees and network traffic, effectively reducing expenses such as gas fees.

Finally, intent-based architectures enhance interoperability. They facilitate seamless operations across multiple blockchain networks, allowing users to execute their intentions without dealing with underlying blockchain complexities. This feature fosters greater technological integration across industries, promoting a more interconnected and versatile blockchain ecosystem.

Use Cases And Application of Intent-Based Blockchains

1. Decentralized Finance (DeFi)

  • Automated Market Makers (AMMs): Platforms like UniswapX leverage intent-based architectures to simplify user interactions. Users specify their intent to swap tokens, and the protocol handles the execution, optimizing for the best rates and minimal slippage.

  • Yield Farming: Intent-based systems automate complex yield farming strategies. Users state their desired yield goals, and the system dynamically allocates assets across various protocols to maximize returns.

2. Cross-Chain Transactions

  • Bridging Assets: Intent-based systems streamline cross-chain transactions. For instance, users can specify their intent to move assets from Ethereum to Polygon. The protocol manages the bridging process, reducing the need for multiple manual steps.

  • Interoperability Solutions: These systems enhance interoperability by allowing users to interact with multiple blockchains seamlessly. Developers can build applications that abstract the complexities of cross-chain interactions.

Source: UniswapX Whitepaper

3. Decentralized Applications (DApps)

  • Gaming: In gaming DApps, users can specify intents like purchasing in-game assets or staking NFTs. The intent-based system handles the transaction details, providing a smoother user experience.

  • Marketplaces: Intent-based architectures can power decentralized marketplaces where users specify their buying or selling intents. The system matches intents and executes transactions efficiently.

4. Security Enhancements

  • Transaction Security: By focusing on user intents, these systems reduce the risk of errors and vulnerabilities in transaction execution. This enhancement is particularly beneficial in high-stakes environments like DeFi.

  • Access Control: Intent-based blockchains can enhance security by automating access control mechanisms. Users specify their access intents, and the system enforces policies dynamically.

5. Simplified User Experience

  • Wallet Management: Intent-based systems can simplify wallet interactions. Users specify intents like transferring funds or interacting with a DApp, and the wallet handles the execution, reducing the need for detailed transaction inputs1.

  • Onboarding: New users can benefit from a simplified onboarding process. They specify their intents (e.g., setting up a wallet, buying crypto), and the system guides them through the necessary steps.

Examples of Intent-Based Systems And How to Use Them


UniswapX is an intent-based DeFi system that optimizes trading across various liquidity sources using a Dutch auction mechanism. This system allows users to express trading intents rather than specific transactions.

Third-party agents called 'Fillers' bid to execute these intents at the most competitive prices, reducing slippage and enhancing trade efficiency. The auction format ensures that Fillers provide the best available rates quickly, and the system's design protects users from common exploitative practices in DeFi, like sandwich attacks.

By integrating diverse liquidity sources and employing competitive bidding, UniswapX offers improved price execution and enhanced security, illustrating the practical benefits of intent-based systems in blockchain environments.

UniswapX Architecture. Source: Uniswap Protocol

1inch Fusion

1inch Fusion enhances decentralized finance by employing an intent-based architecture that optimizes token swaps. This feature allows users to perform swaps without paying gas fees, leveraging extensive liquidity from decentralized and centralized exchanges and providing built-in protection against MEV threats.

Users express their swap intents, which are then executed by verified market makers through a competitive Dutch auction, ensuring optimal execution prices. This setup makes swaps more cost-effective, speeds up transactions, and enhances user experience by reducing the complexity and costs typically associated with trading on blockchain networks.

Making swap intent on 1inch Fusion. Source: 1inch blog.


Anoma is an innovative intent-based system that enhances decentralized applications by allowing users to define their objectives or "intents" rather than specific transactions. This flexibility supports various applications, from simple token exchanges to complex multi-chain financial agreements.

Its decentralized nature facilitates counterparty discovery and transaction solving, providing robust solutions across various blockchain networks. This setup improves scalability and interoperability and bolsters security and privacy by protecting against vulnerabilities like front-running.

Anoma uses a decentralized problem-solving approach, which allows it to execute atomic multi-chain settlements. This makes it a versatile platform in the blockchain ecosystem. It is best suited for developers and users seeking to engage in complex decentralized finance applications and multi-chain operations requiring flexible, intent-driven executions.

CoW Swap

CoW Swap (formerly known as Gnosis Protocol V1) is an advanced decentralized exchange that leverages an intent-based system to streamline trading. This system utilizes a competitive network of solvers who optimize trade executions by strategically pooling user intents into batches. These solvers access various liquidity sources to ensure users receive the best prices while protecting maximal extractable value (MEV).

CoW Swap supports various sophisticated trading mechanisms, including limit orders and TWAP (Time-weighted average price) orders. It caters to many trading strategies and enhances user experience with efficient and secure trade executions.

CoW Swap Batch Auction and Intent Gathering Mechanism. CowSwap Docs

Gelato Network

Gelato Network utilizes an intent-based system known as Gelato Relay to facilitate gasless transactions and complex DeFi operations more efficiently. This system allows users to define their trading or transaction intentions, which Gelato Relay processes using a network of decentralized executors.

The executors ensure that transactions are completed swiftly and maintain the integrity of the data involved. Gelato's approach simplifies user interactions by handling complex, multistep operations, which can include transactions across various tokens and platforms without requiring users to pay gas fees directly.

This architecture makes Gelato an excellent tool for developers and users looking for more efficient and user-friendly DeFi solutions.


IntentX is a next-generation OTC derivatives exchange that utilizes an intent-based architecture to reshape on-chain trading dynamics. The platform allows traders to express their trading intentions, which are then executed by external solvers, optimizing efficiency, liquidity, and scalability in the financial markets.

It uses a model that diverges from traditional order books by focusing on outcome-oriented operations, thus making blockchain more accessible and reducing complexities associated with traditional trading processes.

IntentX's approach also features robust cross-chain capabilities, low fees, and high capital efficiency, appealing to a wide range of traders looking for enhanced trading experiences on the blockchain.

IntentX’s unique features and advantages. Source IntentX Docs.

Cardano's Optim-Account

Cardano's Optim-Account emerges as a forward-thinking example of intent-based blockchain systems, focusing on simplifying user interactions with complex blockchain mechanics.

The system allows users to express their transaction goals as "intents," which the platform processes to manage various blockchain operations efficiently. Designed to enhance accessibility, Optim-Account is ideal for users seeking a more streamlined and user-friendly approach to blockchain interactions.

It offers features like handling multiple intents in a single transaction, which optimizes gas and economic efficiency, showcasing Cardano's commitment to evolving blockchain technology to meet modern demands.

The Promise of Intent-Based Blockchains

The potential emergence of intent-based blockchains could redefine the architectural fabric of the blockchain ecosystem, extending beyond the capabilities of current intent-based systems.

While intent-based systems focus primarily on optimizing specific user-defined actions within existing frameworks, the idea of intent-based blockchains expands this by envisioning a fully integrated platform designed from the ground up to support and execute user intents across the entire network inherently.

Intent-based blockchains could introduce foundational changes in how blockchain architecture is conceived, emphasizing a user-centric approach from the protocol level. This would mean not just adapting existing systems to handle user intents more efficiently but reengineering the core principles of blockchain technology to inherently support a wide array of complex, automated interactions directly within the blockchain’s main protocol.

Such advancements could radically increase blockchain functionality, enabling more complex economic models and transaction types without compromising on decentralization or security. The native integration of intents within the blockchain’s architecture could also vastly improve cross-chain interoperability, allowing seamless and intuitive interactions across various platforms and systems without additional layers or bridges.

In essence, the advent of intent-based blockchains will mark a significant evolution in the decentralized ecosystem. They will streamline and automate processes and bring a new level of intelligence and adaptability to blockchain technology. The anticipation for such a transformative technology is palpable. It promises to revolutionize how we interact with decentralized systems and unlock new potentials for the future of Web3.


The development of intent-based systems marks a transformative advance designed to integrate user intents directly into the blockchain’s architecture. This shift simplifies how users interact with technology, allowing for the automatic execution of complex tasks based on user-defined objectives.

These systems enhance interoperability, allowing seamless transactions across different platforms and improving security by aligning operations with user intents, thereby minimizing errors and fraud.

The potential of intent-based blockchains to streamline operations, reduce costs, and improve transaction speeds could profoundly impact the blockchain landscape, paving the way for more intuitive and user-centered applications.