Cronos Blockchain Data Indexing API

Cronos Quick Facts

Cronos is the first Ethereum-compatible blockchain network built on Cosmos SDK technology. An open-source and permission-less Layer 1 chain which runs in parallel to the Chain, Cronos aims to massively scale the DeFi, GameFi, and overall Web3 user community by providing builders with the ability to instantly port apps and crypto assets from other chains while benefiting from low transaction fees, high throughput, and fast finality.

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Supported Endpoints

Code Samples

Get token balances for address

GET /v1/{chainName}/address/{walletAddress}/balances_v2/

Commonly used to fetch the native, fungible (ERC20), and non-fungible (ERC721 & ERC1155) tokens held by an address. Response includes spot prices and other metadata.

1.00 Credits
npm install @covalenthq/client-sdk
import { CovalentClient } from "@covalenthq/client-sdk";

const ApiServices = async () => {
    const client = new CovalentClient("YOUR_API_KEY");
    const resp = await client.BalanceService.getTokenBalancesForWalletAddress();