Avalanche C-Chain Blockchain Data Indexing API

Avalanche C-Chain Quick Facts

Avalanche is an open-source platform for launching decentralized applications and enterprise blockchain deployments in one interoperable, highly scalable ecosystem. Avalanche is the first smart contracts platform that processes 4,500+ transactions/second and instantly confirms transactions. Ethereum developers can quickly build on Avalanche as Solidity works out-of-the-box. A key difference between Avalanche and other decentralized networks is the consensus protocol. Over time, people have come to a false understanding that blockchains have to be slow and not scalable. The Avalanche protocol employs a novel approach to consensus to achieve its strong safety guarantees, quick finality, and high-throughput, without compromising decentralization.

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Supported Endpoints

Code Samples

Get token balances for address

GET /v1/{chainName}/address/{walletAddress}/balances_v2/

Commonly used to fetch the native, fungible (ERC20), and non-fungible (ERC721 & ERC1155) tokens held by an address. Response includes spot prices and other metadata.

1.00 Credits
npm install @covalenthq/client-sdk
import { CovalentClient } from "@covalenthq/client-sdk";

const ApiServices = async () => {
    const client = new CovalentClient("YOUR_API_KEY");
    const resp = await client.BalanceService.getTokenBalancesForWalletAddress();