Get Bitcoin balances for HD address
Fetch balances for each active child address derived from a Bitcoin HD wallet.
Credit Cost: 0.1 per item.
Processing: Realtime
Processing: Realtime
Requests that return status 200 and no data cost 0.1 credits.
Path Parameters
The extended public key (xPub/yPub/zPub) of the HD wallet.
Query Parameters
The currency to convert the balance to. Supports USD
, etc.
200 - application/json
The extended public key (xPub/yPub/zPub) or HD wallet address.
The requested chain ID eg: 20090103
The requested chain name eg: btc-mainnet
The requested quote currency eg: USD
The timestamp when the response was generated. Useful to show data staleness to users.
List of HD wallet balance items, each containing derived addresses and balances.