Understanding RPC Communication Protocols in Blockchain: JSON-RPC vs. gRPC

Joseph Appolos
Content Writer
This guide provides a deep technical comparison of JSON-RPC and gRPC for blockchain use cases, examining serialization, authentication, code generations & more.

The rules and standards for exchanging messages and executing procedures between remote systems over a network are defined by an RPC communication protocol. This protocol governs how remote systems communicate and interact with each other through remote procedure calls.

JSON-RPC and gRPC are the most commonly used protocols for implementing RPC communication in blockchain networks, but they differ in critical aspects. A comparison of these protocols sheds light on their distinct features and applications, helping users choose between them.

Both protocols facilitate seamless interaction, but they do so in remarkably different ways. JSON-RPC, with its text-based format, brings simplicity and wide compatibility to the table, making it a staple in many applications. Conversely, gRPC, a newer entrant, optimizes performance through HTTP/2 and Protocol Buffers, offering advantages in speed and efficiency critical for scalable systems.

This article aims to highlight the unique features, advantages, and potential limitations of each. It will also provide a deep technical comparison of JSON-RPC and gRPC for blockchain use cases. It will examine serialization, authentication, code generations, performance, ecosystem, and example use cases on popular blockchain platforms. The goal is to guide developers in making informed decisions in their RPC node implementations.

JSON-RPC Overview

JSON-RPC is a lightweight RPC protocol that encodes its messages using JSON. It enables clients to invoke procedures on remote servers in a simple, language-agnostic way. JSON-RPC was initially designed at JSON.org in 1999 to provide a simple and minimalist alternative to XML-RPC.

The JSON-RPC protocol specification defines the required request and response message formats. A request message must have a "method" field indicating the remote procedure to invoke and any necessary parameters. The response returns a result field with the procedure's output or an error field on failure.

Additionally, JSON-RPC is transport-independent. It can be used with various underlying network protocols, including HTTP, WebSockets, TCP, and custom transports. This agnostic nature abstracts away the communication mechanics and makes it trivial to plug JSON-RPC into diverse architectures.

Aspects of JSON-RPC:

  • It follows a request-response model. The client sends a request object to the server, and the server returns a response object.

  • The request and response are formatted as JSON objects containing a method name, parameters, and an ID for matching requests and responses.

  • It supports multiple calls in a single request and notifications (calls without responses).

  • Error handling is done through error objects in the response.

  • The protocol itself is lightweight and simple compared to SOAP or XML-RPC. No extensive tooling is required.

  • It originated at JSON.org and was originally designed for Javascript environments, but clients and servers can be written in any language.

gRPC Overview

gRPC is an open-source remote procedure call (RPC) framework initially developed by Google. It is a high-performance RPC framework that uses HTTP/2 for transport, Protocol Buffers for message serialization, and supports multiple programming languages.

gRPC allows efficient client-server communication, with support for streaming data and built-in security features like SSL/TLS encryption. gRPC is particularly suited for building scalable microservices.

Google first announced gRPC in February 2015 and made it generally available in August 2016. It was designed to be a modern, high-performance alternative to protocols like XML-RPC, JSON-RPC, and SOAP/WSDL.

The goals and principles behind gRPC include:

  • Support distributed architectures and microservices.

  • Enable high-performance and scalable APIs.

  • Minimize boilerplate code for serialization, networking, authentication.

  • Simplify app development in polyglot environments.

  • Provide idiomatic client libraries for many languages.

  • Interoperate with existing ecosystems and non-gRPC services.

However, gRPC has a steeper learning curve upfront than REST or JSON-RPC. Debugging binary payloads is harder. The dependence on HTTP/2 and Protobuf also introduces tech constraints. Yet, gRPC brings significant advantages for many use cases involving efficient, scalable RPC communication.

Comparative Analysis

Transport Protocols

JSON-RPC relies on HTTP or HTTPS for transport, while gRPC utilizes HTTP/2 by default. This key difference stems from when each technology was created.

JSON-RPC emerged in the early 2000s before HTTP/2 existed. As a result, JSON-RPC uses HTTP or HTTPS for all communication between clients and servers. Using this provides broad compatibility across platforms but needs to include some of the performance benefits of HTTP/2.

In contrast, gRPC was introduced in 2015 alongside HTTP/2. The gRPC team recognized the advantages of HTTP/2 and designed the framework to leverage it for transport. HTTP/2 enables multiplexing, header compression, and stream prioritization, improving speed and efficiency compared to HTTP/1.1.

Using HTTP/2 rather than HTTP or HTTPS, gRPC achieves lower latency, better throughput, and reduced network utilization. The performance gains are most noticeable in high-traffic scenarios with many small messages, making gRPC well-suited for microservices architectures.

HTTP1.1 vs HTTP/2 operations comparison. Source: Imperva.

Data Serialization Formats

JSON-RPC uses JSON for serialization, while gRPC uses Protocol Buffers (Protobuf). This is a fundamental difference between the two RPC frameworks.

JSON is a lightweight text-based format that is easy for humans to read and write. It represents data as key-value pairs and arrays. However, JSON can be verbose, resulting in larger payloads than binary formats.

Protobuf is a binary format optimized for smaller payloads and faster parsing. It uses a schema to define message structures, which are compiled into language-specific code for serialization/deserialization. This approach makes Protobuf efficient but less human-readable.


Both JSON and Protobuf have pros and cons. JSON is known for its simple syntax, easy-to-read format, and self-explanatory capabilities, while Protobuf offers a more compressed data representation. When developing gRPC services, the utilization of Protobuf IDL is required to define the service interface clearly. The differences between these two approaches are noteworthy; let’s dive into more details as they highlight several important distinctions.

Payload sizeSmaller payloads are due to enhanced performance by binary formats.Larger payloads, text-based format.
ReadabilityEncoded in compact binary format, not human-readable.Easily readable by humans.
SchemaRequires a schema to define message structures.Does not require a schema.
Code generationUses a protocol compiler for generating data access classes in multiple languages.Uses standard libraries without extra code generation.
ExtensibilityAllows adding new fields without breaking backward compatibility.Lacks built-in extensibility features.

Code Generation

How the client and server code is generated is another key difference between JSON-RPC and gRPC.

With JSON-RPC, all the code needs to be handwritten. The developer is responsible for defining the request and response objects, serialization, network communication, and more. JSON-RPC libraries handle some lower-level details in most languages, but the developer must still write the actual API code.

gRPC takes a different approach by leveraging protocol buffers (Protobuf) and code generation. With gRPC, the developer defines the service interface and messages in a .proto file. This .proto file is then used to auto-generate client and server stub code in various languages. So, the core API code is generated upfront rather than needing to be handwritten.

Protocol buffers workflow. Source: Protocol Buffers Documentation.

Advantages of gRPC Code Generation

  • The Protobuf compiler generates type-safe client and server code, reducing bugs.

  • Server and client code can be generated from the same .proto file, ensuring compatibility.

  • Protobufs are cross-platform, allowing easy development of multilingual systems.

  • The generated code handles serialization/deserialization automatically.

  • Protobuf definitions allow documenting interfaces.

  • Additional tools like protoc plugins extend code generation capabilities.

So, while JSON-RPC requires more handwritten serialization and communication logic, gRPC shifts that responsibility to automated code generation using the .proto definition, allowing developers to focus more on business logic rather than plumbing code.


JSON-RPC does not have built-in authentication. Authentication mechanisms must be implemented on an application level, relying on the transport layer (such as HTTPS) or custom JSON fields in request and response messages to convey authentication data.

Commonly, JSON-RPC APIs use API keys or OAuth tokens included in HTTP headers or directly within JSON messages for authentication. This flexibility allows developers to choose an authentication strategy that fits their application's requirements but also demands careful design to ensure security.

gRPC, on the other hand, offers more integrated authentication features driven by its use of HTTP/2 as the underlying transport protocol. gRPC supports a variety of authentication mechanisms, including:

  • SSL/TLS: gRPC leverages SSL/TLS to authenticate the server to the client and the client to the server for secure communication. This method ensures the communication is encrypted and authenticated over a secure channel.

  • Token-based authentication: gRPC allows transmitting OAuth2 tokens or JWTs (JSON Web Tokens) as part of the metadata in a gRPC call, offering a powerful and flexible way to manage user authentication and authorization.

  • Custom authentication mechanisms: Developers can also implement custom authentication logic by intercepting RPC calls on both the client and server sides, providing a hook to insert authentication code.

JSON-RPC typically relies on SSL/TLS for encryption when security is needed. However, JSON-RPC has no native support for SSL/TLS; the burden is on developers to add SSL/TLS, and their applications must handle wrapping JSON-RPC in SSL/TLS.

In contrast, gRPC has built-in support for SSL/TLS. Enabling SSL/TLS encryption in gRPC is as simple as changing a configuration parameter. gRPC handles automatically encrypting and decrypting requests and responses.


Regarding performance, gRPC has some advantages over JSON-RPC due to its use of Protocol Buffers. Protocol Buffers are Google's language-neutral, platform-neutral extensible mechanism for serializing structured data.

Protocol Buffers are much more efficient than JSON for serializing structured data. They are 3-10 times smaller, 20-100 times faster, and less ambiguous than JSON.

Here's a quick comparison:

  • Size: Protobuf serializes to a binary format smaller than JSON text, which means less data needs to be sent over the wire.

  • Speed: Protobuf is faster to serialize and deserialize than JSON, reducing latency.

  • Bandwidth: The smaller message sizes of Protobuf mean less bandwidth usage, which is especially important for mobile applications.

  • Backward/Forward Compatibility: Protobuf schemas can evolve over time while retaining backward and forward compatibility. JSON does not have built-in support for this.

Generally, when comparing both protocols in terms of performance, two key metrics to consider are latency and throughput.

Latency refers to the time it takes to complete a request. gRPC has lower latency compared to JSON-RPC due to its use of protocol buffers and efficient serialization. Protocol buffers have a very compact binary format that can quickly be parsed. JSON-RPC uses JSON for serialization, which has more verbose syntax and takes longer to parse.

Throughput refers to how many requests can be handled per second. Again, gRPC has higher throughput than JSON-RPC because gRPC uses HTTP/2 as the underlying transport, which supports multiplexing on the same connection. This system allows many requests to be pipelined, avoiding head-of-line blocking. JSON-RPC relies on HTTP/1.1, which can only process one request at a time per connection.

gRPC client-server communication. Source: gRPC Docs.

Use Cases

It is important to emphasize how JSON-RPC and gRPC enable different blockchain use cases, given their unique features and applications within this context.

Use Cases for JSON-RPC

  1. Lightweight APIs for Blockchain Data: Blockchain data can be accessed through lightweight APIs such as JSON-RPC. Ethereum's JSON-RPC API is a prime example, enabling developers to retrieve blockchain information like account balances, transaction history, and smart contract data. This use case is fundamentally used in creating wallet applications.

  2. Internal Communications within a Blockchain Node: JSON-RPC is a fitting choice for internal communications within a blockchain node. It facilitates communication and action execution among various node components. These actions may include broadcasting transactions, verifying blocks, and updating the blockchain state.

  3. Smart Contract Development and Testing: Developers often use JSON-RPC to invoke, deploy, or test smart contracts during development stages, allowing easy integration with tools and IDEs.

  4. Occasional Data Transfers between Blockchain Services: JSON-RPC occasionally enables intermittent data transfers among various blockchain services or components. One example is its ability to facilitate communication between a blockchain explorer service and the underlying blockchain nodes such as in Block explorers - like Etherscan, Solscan, etc., which are essentially web interfaces that allow users to search blockchain transactions and activities.

Use Cases for gRPC

  1. Microservices Architectures in Blockchain Platforms: Building microservices architectures within blockchain platforms is a perfect fit for gRPC. In Hyperledger Fabric, gRPC facilitates communication between various components, including peers, ordering services, and client applications.

  2. Internal Communications within Complex Blockchain Systems: When dealing with intricate blockchain systems with numerous interconnected services, gRPC is the perfect solution for managing internal communications. It provides effective communication channels for various tasks, including consensus, data synchronization, and executing smart contracts. Inter-blockchain communication (IBC) is an example in this category.

  3. Frequent Data Transfers or Streaming in Blockchain Networks: gRPC is a fitting solution for scenarios that require frequent data transfers or streaming in blockchain networks. Its effectiveness is evident in real-time data processing applications and decentralized exchanges, enabling seamless and efficient data transfer and processing between nodes.

  4. Public APIs with High Traffic and Latency-Sensitive Applications: gRPC is advantageous for building public APIs in blockchain networks that encounter heavy traffic and necessitate swift responses. Platforms like Solana utilize it to fulfill their high-throughput network communication requirements, serving latency-sensitive applications like real-time data analytics and high-frequency trading.


JSON-RPC has been widely adopted in the blockchain and cryptocurrency space. It is the primary RPC protocol for major platforms like Bitcoin and Ethereum, while gRPC’s speed and high performance make it a good fit for complex and evolving blockchain ecosystems.

Both serve important roles in the broader blockchain RPC systems today. This section provides the usage and utilization of these protocols within different blockchain platforms, including their primary functions.

S/NBlockchain NetworkJSON-RPC UsagegRPC UsageDual Protocol SupportMain Functions/Usage
1TezosYesNoNohttp://tezos.gitlab.io/developer/rpc.html provides a JSON/RPC interface for accessing the blockchain network, broadcasting transactions, interacting with smart contracts, and querying data.
2Ripple (XRP Ledger)Yeshttps://xrpl.org/docs/infrastructure/configuration/configure-grpc/Nohttps://xrpl.org/docs/tutorials/http-websocket-apis/build-apps/get-started/ uses a JSON-RPC-based API for transaction submission, ledger data queries, and account management. It also has a limited gRPC API that P2P mode servers can provide.
3Cardanohttps://developers.cardano.org/docs/get-started/ogmios/YesNoAlthough Cardano does not use JSON-RPC conventionally, it does have a https://developers.cardano.org/docs/get-started/ogmios/ for similar uses. It uses gRPC for data retrieval from its relational blockchain database (db-sync).
4AvalancheYes[https://docs.avax.network/tooling/rpc-providers](https://docs.avax.network/tooling/rpc-providers)NoAvalanche uses JSON-RPC to https://docs.avax.network/reference/standards/guides/issuing-api-calls, which query network status, send transactions, and interact with the Avalanche Virtual Machine (AVM).
5SolanaYeshttps://github.com/rpcpool/yellowstone-grpcNoSolana has a JSON-RPC service for client applications to communicate with validator nodes and supports gRPC endpoints for services like the Solana Blockchain Explorer.
6EthereumYesNoNohttps://ethereum.org/en/developers/docs/apis/json-rpc is used for various operations such as sending transactions, invoking smart contract methods, querying blockchain data, and more.
7Bitcoinhttps://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/API_reference_%28JSON-RPC%29https://github.com/LedgerHQ/bitcoin-lib-grpcNoBitcoin nodes use JSON-RPC to broadcast transactions, manage wallets, query blockchain data, and other node-related activities.
8Binance Smart Chainhttps://docs.bnbchain.org/docs/rpc/NoNoLike Ethereum, BSC uses JSON-RPC to interact with its blockchain for smart contract execution and network queries.
9Hyperledger FabricNohttps://hyperledger-fabric.readthedocs.io/en/latest/write_first_app.htmlNogRPC is used in Hyperledger Fabric for efficient peer-to-peer communication and client interaction with the blockchain network.
10Polkadot (Substrate)Yes (Substrate)Yes (Substrate)Yes, via SubstrateThe substrate framework offers both JSON-RPC and gRPC protocols for blockchain interaction, catering to a wide range of developer needs and preferenceshttps://github.com/LedgerHQ/bitcoin-lib-grpc.
Cosmos (via Tendermint)Yes (Tendermint)Yes (Tendermint)Yes, via TendermintCosmos uses JSON-RPC for basic blockchain interactions and gRPC for streaming and more complex communication needs through the Tendermint layer.

Integration Strategies

Adopting JSON-RPC and gRPC in existing RPC node architectures requires careful planning and execution. Here are some practical tips and examples for integration:

a. Perform Incremental Migration

Migrating an entire codebase to a new protocol simultaneously can be risky. Take an incremental approach instead:

  • Identify non-critical services to prototype the new protocol. Measure performance gains.

  • Gradually roll out the protocol to more critical services in phases. Monitor for issues.

  • Run the old and new protocols side-by-side during migration to ease rollback if needed.

b. Leverage Protocol Gateways

Gateways can act as protocol translators, allowing services using different protocols to communicate:

  • Implement a gateway to translate between JSON-RPC and gRPC calls.

  • Hide the protocol switch from clients by keeping external interfaces the same.

  • Manage protocol versioning and compatibility in the gateway.

c. Refactor Code for Async Needs

gRPC adopts the async/await pattern for asynchronous communication, while JSON-RPC, conversely, handles requests in a synchronous block, awaiting each call's response in turn:

  • Audit code to identify areas that need refactoring to support async calls.

  • Make small, focused changes incrementally instead of large-scale refactoring.

  • Temporarily use sync wrappers for gRPC until refactoring is done.

d. Reuse Data Types and Models

Reusing existing data schemes optimizes migration:

  • Leverage Protobuf definitions in gRPC by mapping JSON schemas to .proto.

  • Reuse DTOs and domain models across old and new protocols.

  • Write adapters to handle any type mismatches.


Here’s a concise summary of the differences between JSON-RPC and gRPC. The table below offers a quick reference for developers to understand and compare these RPC communication protocols for their blockchain applications.

Protocol TypeText-based JSONBinary-based Protocol Buffers (Protobuf)
Transport ProtocolHTTP, HTTPSHTTP/2
Payload SizeLarger due to text-based formatSmaller due to binary format
ReadabilityHuman-readableNot human-readable, compact binary format
SchemaNo schema requiredRequires a schema (IDL) for message definition
Code GenerationManual coding of APIAutomated code generation from .proto files
PerformanceSlower serialization and parsingFaster serialization and parsing due to Protobuf
LatencyHigher latency due to text parsingLower latency due to binary format and HTTP/2
ThroughputLower throughput due to larger payloadsHigher throughput due to smaller payloads and HTTP/2 multiplexing
SecurityNo built-in authentication mechanismsBuilt-in support for SSL/TLS, token-based authentication, and custom methods
Use CasesLightweight APIs, Internal communications, occasional data transfersMicroservices architectures, frequent data transfers, high-traffic APIs


Both JSON-RPC and gRPC have their strengths and weaknesses when it comes to building blockchain applications. In summary:

  • JSON-RPC is simple, lightweight, and easy to use. It has great library support across many languages. However, it lacks features like streaming, protobufs, and code generation.

  • gRPC provides better performance through HTTP/2, protobuf serialization, bi-directional streaming, and code generation. The protobuf IDL allows for strongly typed schemas. However, gRPC has a steeper learning curve and more operational complexity.

When choosing between the two, consider the specific requirements of your blockchain application:

  • If simplicity and ease of use are critical, JSON-RPC may be preferable. It's easy to add JSON-RPC endpoints to existing code.

  • gRPC is likely the better choice for projects where performance and efficiency matter most. The IDL and code generation accelerate development.

  • For public blockchain networks that require interacting with untrusted clients, JSON-RPC's simplicity may help security. gRPC introduces more attack surfaces.

  • For private consortium blockchains where performance is critical, and clients are trusted, gRPC is advantageous.

gRPC provides more power and flexibility for blockchain applications. However, JSON-RPC may be better for simple use cases or when an existing codebase already has JSON-RPC. Evaluate the tradeoffs closely when deciding between the two.

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