How Do Smart Contract ABIs Work?

Habeeb Yinka
Habeeb Yinka
Technical Writer
This guide dives into the details of Smart Contract ABIs (Application Binary Interfaces) and how to interact with them.

Smart contracts are self-executing agreements that automate transactions based on predefined conditions in decentralized applications. The Application Binary Interface (ABI) plays an essential role in this process by acting as a bridge between smart contracts and external applications. By providing a standardized method for encoding and decoding data, the ABI ensures smooth and efficient interaction. In this guide, we explore the structure of smart contract ABIs, how to obtain and interact with them, and their role in enabling interoperability within the blockchain ecosystem.

What is a Smart Contract ABI?

An Application Binary Interface (ABI) is a crucial part of smart contracts. It defines the methods and structures used to interact with the binary-coded smart contract. Essentially, an ABI acts as a translation layer that allows different dApps to interact effectively with smart contracts on the blockchain. It specifies the functions available in the smart contract, their parameters, and the data types they use, making it possible to encode and decode the information sent to and received from the smart contract.

The Role of ABIs in Smart Contract Interaction

ABIs are essential for enabling communication between smart contracts and external applications. When a user or another contract needs to interact with a deployed smart contract, the ABI encodes the function calls and parameters into a format the smart contract can understand. Conversely, tools and libraries that utilize the ABI decode the data received from the contract into a readable format for the user or application.

ABI Components

An ABI consists of several components that together define how to interact with a smart contract:

Function Signatures

These are the identifiers for the functions available in the smart contract. Each function signature includes the function name and the data types of its input parameters. This allows the ABI to encode calls to specific functions accurately.


Events are a way for smart contracts to log information that external applications can listen to and respond to. The ABI defines the events that the smart contract can emit, including the names and data types of the event parameters.

Function Outputs

For functions that return data, the ABI describes the format of the output data. This allows applications to decode the returned data correctly and use it as needed. 

Tutorial: How to Get the ABI of a Smart Contract


Etherscan is a popular blockchain explorer that allows you to view information about Ethereum transactions, addresses, and smart contracts.

How to obtain an ABI from a deployed contract on Etherscan:

Go to the  Etherscan website. We’ll use the Sepolia testnet for this guide, but it’s the same for mainnet.
Enter the contract address in the search bar at the top.
Click on the Contract tab to view the contract details.
In the Contract ABI section, you will see the ABI in JSON format.


Remix is an online IDE for developing and deploying smart contracts. It also provides a way to obtain the ABI of a compiled contract.

How to obtain an ABI from a compiled contract on Remix:

Go to the Remix IDE here.
Write your smart contract code or load an existing contract.
Click on the Solidity Compiler tab, and then click Compile.
After compiling, go to Compilation Details and find the ABI section. You can copy the ABI from there.


Hardhat is a development environment for Ethereum. It provides tools to compile, deploy, test, and debug your smart contract code.

Steps to obtain ABI using Hardhat:

If you still need to install Hardhat, check out the documentation here.
Compile the contract. Use the following Hardhat command to compile your contract:
npx hardhat compile
After compilation, the ABI will be in the artifacts directory, typically located at “artifacts/contracts/YourContract.sol/YourContract.json.”


Foundry is another smart contract development toolkit for smart contract development.

Steps to obtain ABI using Foundry:

First, install Foundry. You can follow the Foundry installation guide.
Then, compile the contract. Use the following command to compile your contract:
 forge build
Now you can find the ABI. The ABI will be located in the out directory, in a file named similar to "YourContract.sol/YourContract.json."

Interacting With Smart Contracts Using ABIs


Set Up Your Development Environment

Before interacting with the smart contract, you need to set up a development environment:
  • Install Node.js and npm: These are necessary for running JavaScript-based scripts.
  • Install ethers.js: npm install ethers.
Note: The latest version of ethers.js might be causing an error. It is recommended to use a previous version to avoid this issue.

Connect to an Ethereum Node

Next, you need to connect to an Ethereum node. You can use services like Infura, and Alchemy or run your node. For this guide, we'll use Alchemy.

Get the Contract ABI and Address

You will need the ABI and address of the smart contract you want to interact with. Here, we’ll use the contract address for a deployed contract on the Sepolia testnet.

Create a Contract Instance

Use the ABI and contract address to create a contract instance.

Calling Read-Only Function

Let's get the “symbol” of the contract, which is read-only (view/pure) functions without needing to sign transactions.
We should have an output similar to this:

Benefits of Using ABIs


ABIs provide a standardized interface for smart contracts, defining the available functions and events and how to interact with them. This standardization simplifies the development process by ensuring a consistent method for invoking contract functions and handling data. This consistency reduces errors and improves the reliability of interactions with smart contracts, making life easier for developers and enhancing the overall user experience.

Simplified Interaction with Smart Contracts

ABIs simplify the process of calling functions and sending transactions to smart contracts. With an ABI, developers can easily encode function calls and decode responses, streamlining the workflow for interacting with contracts.


Application Binary Interfaces (ABIs)  play a crucial role in the Ethereum ecosystem, providing a bridge between smart contracts and external applications. Their benefits, include interoperability, ease of use, and integration with development tools, making them indispensable for developing and interacting with decentralized applications. By utilizing ABIs, developers can create more robust, reliable, and user-friendly blockchain solutions.

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