Ethereum vs. Solana for Developers: A Technical Comparison

Joseph Appolos
Joseph Appolos
Technical Writer
Explore the differences between Ethereum and Solana. Learn about consensus, smart contracts, and scalability—find the best platform for your project.

In the blockchain ecosystem, Ethereum and Solana stand out as major players, each with distinct technical features and strengths. Ethereum, often called the "world computer," revolutionized the industry with smart contracts and a rich ecosystem for decentralized applications (DApps).

On the other hand, Solana is known for its high speed and low transaction times, making it ideal for performance-intensive projects. Understanding the intricacies of these platforms is crucial for developers looking to leverage their capabilities effectively.

This guide delves into the technical aspects of Ethereum and Solana, focusing on areas that matter most to developers, like consensus mechanisms, smart contract execution, development tools, scalability, security, and decentralization.

Architectural Foundations

Ethereum - State-Centric Architecture

Ethereum's architecture revolves around a state machine model that updates the network's state with every transaction executed. It uses an account-based model, where each account has a balance and can send transactions, execute code, and store data.

The network consists of a decentralized network of nodes that each maintain a copy of the blockchain and participate in the validation and propagation of transactions.

Ethereum's architecture supports decentralized applications (DApps) by providing a robust, flexible environment for deploying and interacting with smart contracts. The Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) is central to this, providing a sandboxed environment where code can be executed in a deterministic manner across all nodes.

Solana - Concurrent Architecture

Solana's architecture is designed for high performance and scalability. It uses a unique multi-threaded processing approach that allows for parallel transaction processing, significantly boosting throughput.

Solana employs an account-based model similar to Ethereum but with the ability to process multiple transactions concurrently without global locks. Its architecture also includes a sequence of data propagation and validation optimizations, such as Gulf Stream for forwarding transactions to validators ahead of time and Turbine for efficient block propagation.


The table below showcases the main differences in the general architecture of Ethereum and Solana, emphasizing how each platform is designed.

Architecture ModelState machine modelHigh-performance, multi-threaded processing
State ManagementA Global state updated with each transactionAn Account-based model with concurrent processing
Node StructureFull nodes maintain a copy of the entire blockchainValidators process transactions and maintain network state
Transaction HandlingTransactions stored in a mempool before inclusion in blocksGulf Stream forwards transactions to expected leaders
Block PropagationPeer-to-peer network protocolTurbine breaks blocks into packets for efficient propagation
Block Time13-15 seconds400 milliseconds
Throughput15-30 TPS (currently, with the potential for more via Layer 2 and Ethereum 2.0)Up to 65,000+ TPS
Nodes RequirementsModerate hardware requirementsHigh-performance hardware required for validators
FocusSecurity and decentralizationHigh throughput and low latency

Data Propagation and Transaction Handling

Data Propagation and Transaction Handling refers to the processes and mechanisms by which blockchain networks manage the flow and distribution of transaction data among their nodes.

This includes how transactions are broadcast, validated, and eventually confirmed or added to the blockchain ledger. Solana and Ethereum employ distinct data propagation mechanisms, significantly impacting the speed and latency of their transactions.


Gulf Stream: Gulf Stream optimizes Solana's transaction forwarding by pushing transactions to the next set of expected leaders (validators) before they are scheduled to produce a block. This approach minimizes the time transactions spend in the network, reducing confirmation latency and improving transaction finality.

Turbine: Turbine is Solana's block propagation protocol that breaks blocks into smaller packets and sends them to validators in a cascading manner, similar to the BitTorrent protocol, minimizing bandwidth usage and speeding up data propagation.

Pipelining: Solana uses pipelining for transaction processing, which involves splitting the process into separate stages, such as data fetching, signature verification, and state updates. This staged approach allows the network to work on different parts of transaction processing in parallel, further enhancing efficiency.

Pipelining in Solana. Source Solana Medium.


Transaction Pool (Mempool): Ethereum's transaction pool, or mempool, is where pending transactions reside before being picked up by miners/validators. Transactions are prioritized based on gas fees, and miners select transactions from the mempool to include in the next block. This process helps manage transaction flow but doesn't offer the proactive forwarding seen in Solana's Gulf Stream.

Overview of the mempool in Ethereum. Source: Kakarot zkEVM Medium.

P2P Network and Propagation: Ethereum relies on a robust peer-to-peer (P2P) network to propagate transactions and blocks across the network. Nodes exchange and verify transactions and blocks, ensuring all participants eventually reach a consensus.

This method prioritizes security and decentralization but can be slower than Solana's Turbine, as it lacks optimized bandwidth usage and hierarchical data dissemination.

Consensus Mechanisms

Ethereum - Proof of Stake (PoS)

Ethereum's transition from Proof of Work (PoW) to Proof of Stake (PoS) with Ethereum 2.0 marked a significant shift in its consensus mechanism. PoS relies on validators who lock up a certain amount of ETH as collateral to propose and validate new blocks.

The protocol randomly selects validators based on their stake and other factors, such as randomization and the age of coins. This transition aims to reduce energy consumption, increase scalability, and enhance security.

Technical Aspects

  • Validator Selection: Ethereum uses a pseudo-random selection process for validators, which helps prevent centralization and promotes security.

  • Finality: Finality is achieved through the Casper-FFG (Friendly Finality Gadget) mechanism, which adds an additional layer of security by confirming blocks only when a supermajority of validators agrees on the block's legitimacy.

  • Slashing: To disincentivize malicious behavior, Ethereum employs slashing, where a portion of a validator's staked ETH is forfeited if they act against the network's best interest.

Solana - Proof of History (PoH) and Proof of Stake (PoS)

Solana's unique Proof of History (PoH) works in tandem with a PoS mechanism to create a robust consensus mechanism. PoH provides a historical record proving that an event has occurred at a specific time. This cryptographic clock allows validators to process transactions in a more efficient sequence.

Technical Aspects

  • PoH Implementation: PoH is not a consensus mechanism but a pre-consensus clock that timestamps each transaction. It uses a Verifiable Delay Function (VDF) to create proof that transactions occurred in a particular order, significantly reducing the overhead in block confirmation.

  • Validator Role: Validators on Solana are responsible for maintaining the network's state and confirming transactions. The network uses a leader rotation schedule, where validators are assigned leader roles based on their stake and performance.

  • Finality and Speed: Solana achieves finality in a few seconds due to its high throughput and fast block times, enabled by the Tower BFT (Byzantine Fault Tolerance) consensus algorithm, which builds on PoH.

Transaction flow on Solana.

Smart Contract Execution

Ethereum: EVM (Ethereum Virtual Machine)

The Ethereum Virtual Machine is a decentralized computing engine that executes smart contracts. It is a Turing-complete machine, meaning it can perform any computation given enough resources. The EVM is central to Ethereum's ecosystem, providing a secure and sandboxed environment for running code.

The EVM operates as a stack machine, managing each contract's state within a global state space. While robust, this structure often leads to higher gas costs and slower execution, as every node meticulously validates each operation.

Key Features:

  • Gas and Gas Fees: The EVM uses gas as a unit of computation cost. Each operation in a smart contract consumes a specific amount of gas, and users pay for gas in ETH. Gas fees prevent infinite loops and abuse of network resources.

  • State Management: The EVM maintains a global state, including account balances and smart contract states, updated with each transaction.

Solana: SeaLevel

Solana's execution environment, SeaLevel, supports highly efficient smart contract execution through several advanced features. Unlike Ethereum's EVM, which processes transactions sequentially, SeaLevel utilizes an account-based model that allows contracts to interact with different parts of the state simultaneously.

Solana smart contracts are stateless, meaning they do not store state directly. Instead, state is managed in external accounts, allowing multiple contracts to operate on the same data without the risk of state collision.

Core Components

  • Account Data Isolation: SeaLevel isolates account data for each smart contract, preventing state collisions and ensuring secure, independent execution. This isolation allows multiple contracts to run concurrently without interference. It contrasts with Ethereum’s global state model, which requires locking mechanisms to prevent conflicts.

  • Transaction Batching: Transactions in Solana are grouped into batches, each capable of processing multiple transactions in parallel. This reduces the time required to execute complex operations.

  • Execution Cost: Similar to Ethereum's gas, Solana uses "computational units" to measure the cost of executing smart contracts. However, due to its architecture, Solana can handle more transactions at a lower cost.

Languages and Development Environments

Ethereum: Solidity and Vyper

  • Solidity: This is the primary language for Ethereum smart contracts. It is statically typed and designed for the EVM. It supports inheritance, libraries, and complex data types. It also boasts extensive documentation and developer tools.

  • Vyper is a more superficial, security-focused alternative with straightforward syntax. It prioritizes security and readability to reduce vulnerabilities.

Solana: Rust and C

  • Rust: Ensures memory safety without a garbage collector, which is ideal for efficient, secure smart contracts on Solana.

  • C: Provides low-level access and control over hardware resources, suitable for developers familiar with systems programming.


The table below summarizes the key differences and similarities between Solana's and Ethereum's smart contract environments for developers and other stakeholders.

Smart Contract’s AspectEthereum: EVMSolana: SeaLevel
Execution ModelSequential execution of smart contractsParallel execution of smart contracts
LanguageSolidity, VyperRust, C, C++
CompilationSmart contracts compiled into bytecodeSmart contracts compiled into bytecode
ConcurrencySingle-threaded; global lock prevents simultaneous state changesMulti-threaded; supports concurrent state changes
Transaction BatchingTransactions are processed one at a timeTransactions are batched and processed concurrently
Execution EnvironmentEVM provides a sandboxed, decentralized execution environmentSeaLevel enables high throughput with parallel execution
DeploymentDeployed as smart contracts on Ethereum blockchainDeployed as programs on Solana blockchain
UpgradeabilitySupports upgradeable smart contracts with specific patternsSupports program versioning and upgradeability

Developer Tooling and Ecosystem

Ethereum: A Mature Ecosystem

Ethereum's maturity has fostered rich development tools, frameworks, and libraries ecosystem. Tools like Truffle, Hardhat, and Remix complement Solidity.

  • Truffle Suite: Truffle provides a comprehensive framework for developing, testing, and deploying smart contracts. It includes Ganache for local blockchain simulation and Drizzle for front-end development.

  • Remix IDE: Remix is an online IDE for writing, testing, and debugging Solidity smart contracts. Its user-friendly interface and extensive plugin support make it a go-to tool for many developers.

  • Hardhat: Hardhat is a versatile development environment and task runner for Ethereum smart contracts. It offers a built-in local Ethereum network, Hardhat Network, which provides fast testing and debugging capabilities, including detailed error messages and stack traces.

  • Libraries and Extensions: The Ethereum ecosystem boasts a variety of libraries and extensions, such as OpenZeppelin for secure contract development, Ethers.js for interacting with smart contracts and querying blockchain data, Web3.js to interact with the Ethereum JSON RPC.

Solana: Rapidly Growing Ecosystem

Solana's developer ecosystem is rapidly expanding, with an increasing number of tools and resources becoming available. Some of the tools include:

  • Solana CLI and SDKs: Solana provides command-line tools and software development kits (SDKs) for various programming languages, facilitating smart contract development and deployment.

  • Anchor Framework: Anchor is a Rust-based framework for Solana that streamlines the development process with features like automatic code generation, testing utilities, and IDL (Interface Definition Language) files.

  • SPL (Solana Program Library): SPL is a suite of on-chain programs and off-chain utilities that offer standard, reusable components for functionalities like token operations, governance, and decentralized exchanges.

SPL simplifies the development process by providing well-tested and audited building blocks, enabling developers to build and deploy consistent Solana programs quickly.

Scalability and Performance

Ethereum: Scaling Strategies

Ethereum's base layer currently handles 13 to 15 transactions per second (TPS), with a theoretical maximum of 62 TPS. However, actual performance often falls short due to network latency and architectural constraints, leading to congestion and high gas fees during peak times.

To address these limitations, Ethereum's scalability has been significantly boosted through various Layer 2 and 3 scaling solutions, achieving a combined TPS of 246.18 as of mid-2024. These upgrades, including rollups and sharding, help offload transaction processing from the base layer, improving overall network throughput and efficiency.

Some of these several upgrades and implementations include:

  1. Ethereum 2.0 and Proof of Stake (PoS): The shift from PoW to PoS aims to enhance scalability by reducing the need for energy-intensive mining. This transition is expected to improve transaction processing efficiency and reduce block times, thus increasing TPS. The Beacon Chain, already live, is the backbone of this new PoS system.

  2. Layer 2 and Layer 3 Scaling Solutions: These solutions leverage advanced techniques to enhance the transaction throughput of the primary blockchain by offloading some of its processing load.

    1. Layer 2 Solutions: These solutions execute transactions off-chain while ensuring the final data is securely anchored on the main chain. This reduces the computational burden on the base layer, allowing for faster and cheaper transactions. Examples include Optimistic Rollups, zk-rollups, State Channels, and Plasma.

    2. Layer 3 Solutions: These focus on application-specific scaling, further optimizing transaction efficiency by building on top of Layer 2 solutions. Leveraging the reduced base chain workload enables specialized functions, such as privacy enhancements and customized transaction processing. Validium and Volition are examples.

How Rollups work. Source.

  1. Proto-Danksharding and Danksharding: Proto-Danksharding and Danksharding are key upgrades for Ethereum's scalability. Introduced in the Dencun upgrade, they utilize temporary storage for roll-up data, reducing costs by avoiding permanent on-chain storage. Danksharding further enhance data capacity and improve the management and verification of data blobs, enabling the network to process millions of transactions per second.

  2. State Management Optimizations: Ethereum is exploring using stateless clients, which would not require nodes to store the entire state. This would reduce the data load and increase the network's capacity to handle more transactions.

Solana: High Throughput Architecture

Solana is engineered for high performance, achieving thousands of transactions per second (TPS) through its unique architectural features. The aspects discussed in the architectural foundations, data propagation, and consensus mechanisms sections are vital to understanding Solana’s scalability and performance.

  • Proof of History (PoH): PoH provides a cryptographic timestamping mechanism that orders transactions before consensus, creating a verifiable sequence of events. This pre-consensus clock allows validators to process transactions more efficiently, reducing the time needed for consensus.

  • Optimized Data Propagation (Turbine): Turbine enhances Solana's scalability by optimizing bandwidth usage and accelerating data propagation. It fragments data into smaller packets, reducing the processing load for each validator and enabling the network to handle a higher transaction volume more efficiently to meet scaling demands.

Image: How Turbine is used to breakdown data into smaller packets and sent in parallel to neighboring validators.

  • Parallel Transaction Processing (Sealevel): In addition to account data isolation, Sealevel leverages multi-threading to process multiple transactions simultaneously. This parallel processing capability maximizes resource utilization and prevents bottlenecks, enhancing the network’s scalability.

  • Pipeline Architecture: Solana's transaction processing is divided into stages, such as data fetching, signature verification, and execution, allowing these processes to run concurrently. This staged approach increases overall network efficiency and transaction speed.

  • Horizontal Scaling with Cloudbreak: The Cloudbreak data structure supports horizontal scaling of the accounts database, enabling rapid and efficient access to state data, which is crucial for maintaining low latency and high throughput under heavy load.

Security and Decentralization

Ethereum: Security and Decentralization

Ethereum emphasizes robust security and decentralization. In Ethereum 2.0, the transition to Proof of Stake (PoS) allows validators to stake ETH, promoting honest behavior.

Casper-FFG ensures finality by confirming transactions with a supermajority, reducing the risk of forks and attacks. Ethereum uses ECDSA for transaction signing and Keccak-256 for data integrity, with regular audits to address vulnerabilities.

Decentralization is achieved through a global network of nodes, allowing anyone to run an Ethereum node. The move to PoS reduces hardware requirements, promoting broader participation and preventing centralization.

Casper FGG. Source: Inevitable Ethereum.

Solana: Security and Performance

Solana uses Proof of History (PoH) combined with PoS to secure its network. PoH timestamps transactions, reducing consensus time. Validators stake SOL tokens, incentivizing network security. Tower BFT leverages PoH to enhance fault tolerance and speed up block finality.

While Solana's high performance requires powerful hardware, which can limit decentralization, efforts are ongoing to lower entry barriers for validators. Solana's global node distribution and open-source approach support its security and decentralization goals.


Choosing between Ethereum and Solana ultimately depends on a project's specific requirements and priorities. Ethereum offers a mature and secure platform with a rich ecosystem and extensive developer support, making it ideal for applications needing high security and decentralization. With its high throughput and low transaction costs, Solana is well-suited for high-performance applications and cost-sensitive use cases.

Both platforms continue to evolve and innovate, driving the future of blockchain technology in their unique ways. Developers, project builders, and founders must weigh each platform's technical and community aspects to determine the best fit for their needs.

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